
He Brings Us Up From The Pit!... Wednesday

Devotional for 1/28/15

The Lord is never unaware of what we as His people are going through. He never leaves our side and always hears our heart's cry whatever that may be in our life.

His Word says in Psalm 107:19 "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, And He saved them out of their distresses."

Bible Verse on Distress

He promises us that He will save us from our troubles. He knows just what we need and is faithful to help us. He will not leave us on our own, but gently walks with us through our distresses. He engulfs us with His peace and strength as well.

I am so thankful for the Lord's constant willingness to deliver me out of any situation and bring me up from the pit! What a loving God we serve!

In His Loving Grace,

Sandy Billingham

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