
Be Strong and Courageous...Tuesday

I am going to do something different in the style 
In this Tuesday devotional.
Please watch this entire YouTube video (about 7 minutes)
It has a wonderful lesson to tell us all.
(Please be sure to listen to the end.)

So the first lesson for me is that you cannot judge a book by the usual cover it shows. I am not talking about Malaki here. Now don't get me wrong. I love Simon warts and all, and I have always thought that he had a heart for aspiring performers even though he could be ruthless in his criticism of their foibles. However, he pointed out the characteristic to Malaki that he thought would make this little singer a success. That was the best lesson to this little boy for his whole life.

God guides us much the same way. As we learn the lessons He wants us to learn the difficult things and  there are times when we end up in tears ready to give up. He cones along gently and we somehow pick ourselves up and move on with that life lesson earned. We are able to go back into the contest of life and begin our abandoned song again and finish it. When we do this we are overcomers just as Malaki was that day of his audition. Our reward will be to end up triumphant at the end of our concert.
Have I not commanded you? 
Be strong and courageous. 
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,  
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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