
When Pieces Don't Fit....Monday

I love working on puzzles. The thrill of the find is very real as I place a piece where it fits. The satisfaction of a picture completed is delightful. But it isn't all fun and games. There have been times when I couldn't figure anything out and no piece fit no matter where I tried it. When I am truly puzzled I take any piece and try it in a small section, no matter the clues that may hint it belongs elsewhere - I try anything to see if I can make it fit. Tedious and slow, this process has little pleasure and rare moments of  success.

I have used this same fall back plan in my life. When I am feeling out of sorts, dissatisfied, empty, heartbroken, or lost I reach out for anything, grabbing the first piece I come to and trying to use it as way to bring myself back together. Sometimes I hint to a loved one that I could really use some attention, call a friend, clean a room, munch on something yummy, watch a happy ending movie, or read a warm and fuzzy book. 

Psychologists call these pieces I reach for "coping mechanisms." Though they can reduce or relieve my stress for a time, they don't resolve my issue. When I am having a heart issue: such as feelings of emptiness, loneliness, loss, or heartache; I know that nothing on the outside can fix my condition on the inside (no matter how many pieces I try to make fit). My struggle is in my mind, and the source of my mind's perspective is my heart.

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
 Jeremiah 17:9 ESV

Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart!
 Try me and know my thoughts!
 Psalm 139:23 AMP

God, create a pure heart in me, and renew a right attitude within me.
 Psalm 51:10 ISV

Dear Lord, thank you for using the drama of my life to get my attention and my mind back on You. Please help me to remember that You are fitting the pieces of my life together for my best interest and those around me in just the right way. I pray that I will learn this lesson well. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Tenth Avenue North performs "Let It Go"

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