


We are in the middle of a drought here in California. In the Midwest there is a polar freezing bringing unusually cold weather. In New York through to Maine there have been snowstorm after snowstorm such has not been seen in years.The earth provides us with challenges in all season. Our inner environment also provides challenges and times when things are not well with us. The fires of pain and the cold storms of anguish come and go in our lives as we travel our path.

Yes, we do face pain and challenges, but the Bible gives us salve from God for these things that happen in life. In Psalm 91 Scripture tells us...

1 "God is our reference and strength
A very present help in trouble"

8-9 "Come and see what the Lord has done,
the amazing things He has done on earth. 

In the midst of all that we face and endure. God has given us a way to hear Him and to learn things that will help us thrive.

10 Be still and know that I am God
I will be exalted among the nations.
I will be exulted in the earth!

Here is the promise that gives us courage to face all kinds of difficulties.

11 The Lord All-Powerful is with us;
the God of Jacob our defender.

Other Bible references to read:
  • Deut. 33:13
  • Psalms 23:2, 62:5
  • Isaiah 30:15
  • Zep. 3:17

    In the process He makes all things beautiful even those things that start off from very hideous things...things that torment us and make us fear that we will ever be okay again. Out of all the chaos that is the earth and the things God gives us to teach us and triumph with His guidance. 

    Written by
    Corinne Mustafa

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