
"Full Of His Holy Spirit"...Wednesday


I was reminded today by a good friend that only when we are surrendered to the Lord and full of the Holy Spirit is when God can really move in hearts around us. We can do nothing without Him. No real fruit can be produced when we are operating in our own flesh.

His word says in Luke 4:1 
"And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, 
returned from the Jordan 
and was led by the Spirit
in the wilderness." 

Because Jesus was so full of the Holy Spirit He was obedient to the things of the Spirit. And we all know when Jesus began to minster, lives were turned upside down forever!

That is how Jesus wants us to live out our life each day. He wants us so surrendered to Him, so immersed and saturated and full of His Spirit that we naturally would only do what He wants us to do. And as a result, we would see Jesus touching lives through us all around us!

As daughter's of the King, we should be astonished of who Jesus is and all that He desires to do through us!

I never want to live my life as "status quo" but want to be a World Changer for Christ!! My heart's cry today is that the Lord would totally baptize me completely in His Spirit, and use me for His Kingdom purposes forever more!!

In the Fullness of the Holy Spirit, 
Sandy Billingham 

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is amazing how God has it all covered...three persons in one God, and each has a role that meets all our our needs. God takes care of everything.

    God bless...
