
The battle to see...Thursday


This picture  says many different things to me, but I will share just a couple of them.

When I look at this picture I think about all the choices we must make in life. Some of our choices make us better people, offer a more peaceful way of life, and help us grow in a way that is pleasing to our Creator. 

Unfortunately, some of the choices we make are harmful to our well being, lead us down a dangerous path, and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

When I look at this picture I think about the fact that we are spiritual people who live in a physical body, and there is a constant spiritual battle going on around us. The Creator and the enemy both long for us for different reasons. We must choose what side to follow.

When we look at both sides with human eyes, we do not see how dark and lonely it really is on the enemy's side. Instead, we only see things that bring us temporary pleasure....drugs, alcohol, sex, possessions, etc.

However, if we look at both sides with spiritual eyes, we see them for what they really are.

We need to look with our spiritual eyes more often.

Written by
Storm Hendrickson

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