
Established In Christ... Wednesday

Devotional for 2/4/15

The more I pursue our Lord the more He gives me insight on how He wants His people to be established deeper in all that we do in Him. Not only that but He desires us to flourish on this earth. We don't have to wait until we get to heaven, for as His Children He wants to bless us right here on earth!

His Word tells us in Psalm 90:17 "And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands."
 Psalm 90-17 The Beauty of the Lord blue copy

Because of who we are in Him, His favor and beauty rests upon us. As we seek Him and ask Him to establish the work of our hands, He eagerly will bless us with a bounty of great success and prosperity. That can be in multiple ways in our life, not just financially but at every level of our life. That doesn't mean it will always be easy. There will be trials and tribulations, but we can trust Him throughout every season of our life that the end result will be good.

We serve a God that is always good, and He will bathe us with His goodness and greatness as we securely put our trust in Him and in Him alone!

Let the Lord establish the work of your hands today and expect great things!! 

Established in Him,

Sandy Billingham

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