


Please watch this short video.

Every day when I go out in Bangladesh whether it has been in the village, in a small city, or in the capital city these are the kinds of things I see everywhere. Of course there are the signs of progress everywhere, but around the fringe of everything poverty is seen in the eyes of children and adults who stand and stare or rush to and fro trying to keep themselves alive.

In the markets the poor beg while well to do people rush in and out buying the things that they cannot live without. Filthy feet pad  without shoes through the dirt of the streets. Noses are running and coughs are the orchestra of the streets. Here are a few pictures I have taken as we go about our trip. Trash in the canals in poor neighborhoods/. Overflowing trash dumps with scavengers hoping to find something that they can sell to earn a few taka.
Little children with solemn faces and eyes.
 Kitchens by the side of the road.

There are sad signs of poverty everywhere, while the well off buy their trinkets and tourists ourchase their souvenirs.

We cannot all be missionaries but we can be "Missionary Prayer Warriors" speaking with God on a daily basis about His poor, starving and cold people all over the world. They are everywhere, and God cares about them. We need to be intercessors for the least of our brothers and sisters.

Jesus has told us that "Whatsoever we do for the least of our brothers we do unto Him." Please help us to remember these suffering souls and to pray for them as we live our lives that are devoid of such challenges. Thank You for all we have that You give us. We ask You to remember these people and help them to have improvement in their lives. 

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa 

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