


"After leaving them,
he went up on the mountainside to pray."
Mark 6:46

Does it ever register with you, as it has me at times, what a noisy world it is in which we live?  Even when I sit on the patio the first thing early in the morning, there are background noises already to compete with the first songs of the birds.

     We are bombarded with noise constantly during the day -- construction, traffic, planes flying overhead, people talking, dogs barking, music playing, televisions blaring, and the list goes on.     

       No wonder Jesus had to withdraw sometimes to a quiet place to pray.  We need to do the same.  We need to spend quiet time with God daily for renewal.  We need to get away from all of the noise and clamor of the day's activities.  We need to have an atmosphere in which we can think clearly and commune with God and ourselves.
     Set aside a time and place regularly where you can spend some quiet time free from all of life's distracting noises.  Spend time with yourself and God.  His guidance comes quietly through His Word and presence and prayer.  You won't be able to hear His whisper unless you are prepared to listen.

Written by
Carol Steficek


1 comment:

  1. Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46. How can this happen in the midst of noise that drowns out His voice. Try to get to a place where there is quiet so that you can hear Him speaking to you.

    God bless...
