

Devotional for 3/1/15

We've all stumbled now and then.  Sometimes when we are walking, there isn't even anything on the floor and our toes catch just enough to make us trip.  If our balance reactions are good enough, we are able to prevent a full out face plant.  We know it isn't the fall that hurts - it's the sudden stop at the bottom of the fall!  There are ways to avoid falls.  We can wear the right kind of shoes, walk on more level surfaces instead of rocky or unstable ones, and we can even turn on a light to see better.

In life we consider some things little slips and others major falls.  When it comes to keeping God's commandments, we may look at improper thoughts as just a little trip up, but inappropriate actions as a tumble to the ground.  But a complete nose dive into a pit with a head-splitting stop at the bottom would be like being separated from God permanently.  There are ways to avoid falls in these instances also.  We can prepare ourselves by wearing appropriate protective gear - staying connected to God, feeding our faith through gathering with other Christians, putting on the full armor of God. We can walk on safer surfaces by not going to places that tempt us to sin.  And we can turn a light on - by studying God's Word to shed light on our path.  God will steady our steps when we remain faithful.

Psalm 37:23-24 (NIV)  "The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand."
Dear God, thank you for giving me the gift of faith through your Holy Spirit, for forgiving me when I stumble, and for holding my hand to keep me from falling away.  Help guide my steps as I navigate this world.  Keep me on the narrow path.  Help me to help others along the way to also see your light of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray.  Amen.

written by Jan Andersen

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent. Your analogies are so appropriate. This is really thought provoking and filled with good ideas of how to avoid not only physical pitfalls but also to avoid spiritual pitfalls. Thank you Jan.

    God bless...
