


This afternoon my husband and I were working in our very small back yard. In California most houses do not have much land behind their house. Acknowledging that rather sad face we had a patio put it behind the house and some of the space beside the house are filled with small bushes and other plants. Around the perimeter of the patio is a two foot wide space that holds plants and bushes as well. We were setting the umbrella up in preparation for the need for shade in the hot California. We had put the umbrella away before the rainy season would start...a joyful happening that never happened this year. 

What has happened once again this spring is that the small amount of rain has returned our brown hills to an emerald green that can take your breath away. The mustard has just finished blooming in a bright yellow that gave definition and color variety to the hills and which now have receded to make room for the bright orange poppies that dot the fields in clumps with color. The almonds and decorative plums have bloomed and their fruit is just starting to form. Soon the grape vines will start to grow leaves and people can look forward to the wines of fall.

All these things happen year after year. We can rely on spring doing what we expect year after year as God has set them into ordered happenings. We can also rely on God for the continuation of schedules and order in our universe and world. In a world filled with confusion and lack of order it is a blessing to pretty much know what will happen season after season. We can for the most part rely on it. 

There is much in life that we can rely on. Unexpected things happen every day. We are going along and everything is all hunky dorey and all of a sudden everything changes. Life will never be the same again in some cases. I compare that to the idea of before the incident and after the incident...BI and AI. Still in all of this God is there ready to hold you in the palm of His hand. He is like that sheltering tree in my picture above. Walk through the season holding His hand...just keep on walking. It may not br the route you would have chosen but it is your route. Try to grow, learn, and move on. Just as spring follows winter God still has a plan for you. Believe in the plan.

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

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