


Yesterday a friend of mine was sharing with me about her son who is in the Military. Last week he was chosen for "Special Forces". To be chosen for Special Forces is a very high honor. The training is incredibly, intense and a rigorous program you have to walk through and succeed with enormous success. The authorities drop you off by yourself where there is thick forest, swamps and brush in the middle of the night. You have a map and a very small red light you can use to get back to your destination at a certain time. They always give you a "panic button" that you can push if you don't think you are able to make it. My friend said that many of the men totally panic, press the button, are then rescued, and are eliminated from the program.

I was thinking how Jesus is our "panic button" in times of trouble and danger. He is always there to rescue us and bring us to safety. In fact He never leaves our side. As we call onto Him, He hears us and helps us in our times of trouble. 

His Word tells us in Psalm 46:1-2...

"God is our refuge and strength, 
A very present help in trouble.
 Therefore we will not fear, 
Even though the earth be removed, 
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;"

What a relief and great comfort to know that the Lord is always there for us when times of
"panic" come. We can be assured that He will help us through our times of trouble. We are never alone and we do not have to fear.

We can rest and be assured that "Jesus will always be our panic button."

In His Great Help,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. I think I need to remember which panic button I should push. I am sad to admit that quite often I push my own panic button. That is not working too well.

    God bless,,,
