


The Lord has been dealing with me a lot lately on the high importance that He puts upon us as His Sons and Daughters to honor all people. The perspective we should have on every individual should be the perspective that Jesus has on them. That saying, it should not matter what political party they are a part of or what church they may attend or what their financial status is, or how good their family appears to look to those outside.  

What matters is, that each person should be highly valued! Jesus died for every single person on this earth, so every person matters to Him and they should matter to us! We should have genuine honor in our hearts towards everyone He died for. To me that is a huge undertaking to walk out, but through Christ and in His strength, it can be done.

His Word clearly tells us in 1 Peter 2:17...

 "Honor all peoples, love the brotherhood,
fear God, Honor the King."
Honor simply stated means
to see that person as valuable and important.

As we pray and ask God to truly help us, we will be able to "Honor all peoples" as God gives us His heart for them. As we do that, not only will we bless our brotherhood, but we in turn will be profoundly blessed as well!! I would say that is well worth pursuing in our lifetime, in which we will experience "honor" from a heavenly perspective.

In His Genuine Honor, 
Sandy Billingham

This song is long but it will bring you into a presence with God 
where you will know that He is El Roi, the
"God Who Sees You"

1 comment:

  1. How edifying to know that another name for God in his characteristics is El Roi which means the God Who Sees Me. He knows our needs and how we need him go guide us before we even say the words.

    God bless
