
THE APPLE...Thursday


This Monday our TV was posted to one of my husband's channels of choice...the stocks  ticker tape channel. I was only half paying attention until they began a special roll out for APPLE's newest item. So, I started watching. It was very interesting to me. The new product was the APPLE watch. I was hooked...only from a need to understand the latest market offerings, of course. This little wrist sized gizmo had several applications. It is called an Apple watch so obviously you could use it as a timepiece. I actually gave up watches a few years ago using my cell phone to ascertain the time of day.  What drew me in was the possibility of using said watch as a phone!  I come from the era of "Rocky Jones Space Ranger" (TV 0f the 50's) where space travelers were constantly talking into their wrists back and forth. Now that is possible!!! Also they come with different colored bands. How wonderful is that???

In addition, there are the fitness applications of the watch akin to the FIT. This is not something that lights my fire, but it is a plus. I found the whole thing very interesting. I told my husband that I wanted one. He said "WHY?" My answer, "Because I DO!"...and I did. I was hooked.

Three days have passed since the roll out from APPLE, and I have been thinking about it. I still think it would be cool to own an APPLE Watch. But is it necessary? Probably not.

Our ancestors Adam and Eve faced this same dilemma. They also wanted an APPLE. In the end she encouraged Adam to join her in her desire for the forbidden fruit. They fell, and the world has never been the same.

Whether it is an Apple watch, an addiction, or a myriad of other things that we desire, we need to beware of the APPLE that the serpent is waving in front of us...or the fallen place that we have allowed ourselves to drop into. Whichever is the case, we need to be vigilant.

Please read Chapter 3 of Genesis. Here is the link to this chapter in Bible Gateway...
      https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?       search=Genesis%203&version=NIV 

We ask you to show us that the APPLES of this world that lead us away from You are not what we want to follow.  Give us eyes to see what is right and what is not and discernment as to what our choices should be. Thank you,  Lord. 

Written by
Corinne Mustafa


  1. APPLES are waved in front of us on a daily basis. Beware!

    God bless..

    1. Something or someone can be the "Apple of Our Eye" but tomorrow it may be a new thing or new person. Enticing words, bling or glitter can turn us around and we start walking in the wrong direction. Good devotional, Corinne. --From Luana Layton

  2. Hahaha. I love your word plays and how you tied your point in. Your writing is both playful and purposeful. Delightfully delicious! ☆☆☆☆☆ by Beverley Napier

    1. Thanks Beverley...I am sitting here smiling at your words. Much appreciated.
