
Living in the Past

Image result for jeremiah 29:11

Thanks to the writing of Laura Ingalls Wilder, and the resulting television series, "Little House on the Prairie" I have long had a fascination with living in the past. Many an afternoon adventure spent imaging myself as Laura living in the west filled my mind and my time.

Long after the drama of high school, then the labor of college, and deep into the blood, sweat, and tears of real life I still sometimes indulge in a moment of living in the past. I think about when the kids were young (and I was young), and I day dream about how much easier life was - less complicated, less difficult, and less painful. 

But like the character Alice from Alice in Wonderland (by Lewis Carroll), when she is trying to figure out where she is, who is she, and where she is going, says to herself: "I can't go back to yesterday, I was a different person then," the Holy Spirit reminds me that everything has changed.

In Isaiah 43, as the Lord is speaking through the  prophet to the people of Israel, He is reminding them of all of the great things He has done for them, saving them from harm and delivering them from their enemies. Then He says in verse 18,

"But forget all that (forget the past),
 it is nothing compared to what I am going to do!"
 Isaiah 43:18 NLT

Dear Lord, thank You for the past, and thank You for the future. Thank You for watching over each of us this day - and if we lose hope in the midst of our troubles -please help us to remember that Your faithfulness is never ending, and that You will give us the strength we need for this day. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

 Chris Tomlin performing - "Lord I Need You"

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