


is being sure of what you hope for 
and certain o what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

There are things about our beliefs that we must take on faith. The first one I learned about as a child in my parochial school was the fact of the Trinity.  We were told that it is not possible to understand how God  is one but has three separate and different persons in His being. We were given the example of a clover which is one but has three separate parts in the three leaves on the same stem. Our teachers said that this was not a perfect illustration but that it could give us an idea of the Trinity...the triune God.\

As i grew up and learned more, I found many instances where things that were unique about our beliefs must be taken by faith. I have always been thankful that faith has never been a problem for me. I accept the things that I have learned with faith even when they are hard to accept. I have no problem with this. Other people find the blessing of faith not as strong as mine is. They wrestle with understanding and pure and simple faith is a challenge to them.

That is why, when we do have proof of something unseen, it is so exciting. There is a book called "Heaven is for Real" written by the family of a little boy who was dead for a short time and came back. Now I don't think that most people who are Christian doubt that there is a heaven to go to. However, when the boy, Colton, returned from his near death experience he talked about meeting Jesus and his grandfather. When his parents showed him a pictures he kept saying that was not who  he had seen. Then one day he was looking at a family photo album and saw a picture of a young man. "That's my grandfather!" he exclaimed. After his discussion about it he told his parents that he had, in fact, met him, and his grandfather had said that was who he was.

Another interesting thing happened. Colton told his parents that none of the pictures of Jesus looked like He really looks. He was always disappointed at the pictures of Jesus that he saw until one day. He was looking at the paintings of Akiane, a talented young painter...a child actually...who had visions of heaven, the scenery of heaven, the angels and much more. in one collections Colton saw one she had painted. He became very excited and told his parents that this was what Jesus looked like. This is the painting by Akiane had painted. Here is another "proof," if you want to call it proof, of the appearance of Jesus. No one has ever seen Him in this way, and I suppose that this requires faith as well to accept. I do accept it because of the way it was found by Colton, I invite you to try to work on developing a deeper faith in the wonders of our beliefs. It is an amazing blessing and gift.

sees the invisible, believes the 
and reaches the impossible.
Corrie Ten Boom

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa


  1. To be blessed with Faith is the greatest gift in the world!!

  2. Really like that picture. Have it at home on my mirror.
    Great devotion.
