
"FACE LIKE FLINT"...Wednesday

In Isaiah 50:7 it says,
"For the Lord God will help Me;
Therefore I will not be disgraced;
Therefore I have set My face like a flint,
And I know that I will not be ashamed."

Jesus Christ had flint-like steadfastness and deep devotion to His Lord God. He was never to be moved or shaken in what He had faced. He was confident in winning the battles that lay before Him because of the help He had with His Lord.
That passage in Isaiah gives me great encouragement and stamina to be like Christ in setting my face like flint. I too want to have the determination and courage of Christ; no matter what lies before me and the goals that God has given me. I am fully aware that through the Lord and Christ my Savior I am able to accomplish anything in Him!
I shall not be moved by current circumstances that would try to sway me in giving up, but will diligently set my face like flint to accomplish all the Lord God has set before me!! In Christ alone I shall not be defeated nor ashamed but shall experience great triumph in the battles that lay ahead as I am determined and fully trust in the Lord and Him alone!!

In His Strength,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Face set like a Flint? When I first saw that I was not sure that this face set was good or bad. My reason was that being of that set could be an evidence for stubbornness and self direction. i was relieved to know that that actually means to have strength in how you behave and look at issues.

    God bless...
