


It seems as if this week is flying by. There is so much to think about this week. Remembrances of what Jesus did and went through during that Passover week more almost two thousand years ago. Out He comes from the Galilee area and comes toward Jerusalem. His disciples were with Him. They were clueless as to what the week would mean to Him and to them. Jesus knew, and still He carried on down the path that He had come to follow. He was heading inexorably to the end of His earthly road.

So the last week of His walk started off in a triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He rode the donkey; the people screamed their adoration and threw their clothes and palm fronds for Him and His donkey to walk on. The whole  city shouted their adulation of Him. Then four days later He celebrated the breaking of the bread and the wine taken in remembrance of Him. In face of the knowledge of what was to happen He did all that He had to do so that we could become His brothers and sisters and could be with Him for eternity. And after that Last Supper, He went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, and He waited there to be arrested. All for us.

Then the unthinkable happened. In a kind a mob violence...a kind of crazed buffalo stampede the people of Jerusalem change from loving Him to hating Him and joining the stampede. "CRUCIFY HIM," they screamed. And that is what happened. It had to be that way so that our sovereign Father in heaven through His Son gave us His salvation so that we can spend Eternity with Him in heaven.

Father, I humbly  come before You as someone who is undeserving of the blessing you gave in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus.  Still you did it all for me who could not ever atone for my sins. You gave a perfect sacrifice to make it possible for me and all mankind to be forever in heaven with You. Thank you and Amen.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa


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