

Devotional for 3/8/15

Memories of past mistakes can haunt us for years.  Sometimes they are stupid little things we did years ago that we kick ourselves for when the memory is triggered by something.  Other times it is a major fall that we keep punishing ourselves for over and over. Satan has a way of reminding us of things in the past.  It is hard for us to forgive ourselves sometimes.  

Thankfully, we have a loving and forgiving God who does not remember our past mistakes.  God is greater than our own unforgiving hearts.  Even though he knows everything we have ever done wrong, he only sees that we are forgiven if we remain faithful. Even when Satan tempts us and those mistakes are made over and over again, God has unending mercy and forgiveness.  And when we have difficulty forgiving ourselves, he forgives us for that too.

1 John 3:19-20 (NIV) "This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything."
When past mistakes keep haunting us, we can actually thank Satan for reminding us that we are not perfect and that we are forgiven.  Then thank Christ for the salvation that he earned for us on the cross.  We can apply the Gospel to our guilty conscience!  

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for sending your Son to die for us on the cross, earning our forgiveness for all of our sinful mistakes and giving us a place in heaven with you. Keep us faithful through the gift of your Holy Spirit.  May our forgiven lives be a witness to the world of your unending mercy.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

written by 
Jan Andersen

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