


"And if by grace, 
then it is no longer
by works; 
if it were, grace would 
no longer be grace."
Romans 11:6


God isn't waiting for you to be perfect before you come to Him.  God isn't waiting for you to do something really spectacular before you come to Him.  God isn't interested in how much you do for your neighbors and community before you come to Him.

     No matter what we do or try to become in and of ourselves, we can never do enough.  We are still and will always be sinners -- in need of a Savior and the grace of God.

     If you don't know Jesus as your Savior, come to Him just as you are right now, don't wait.  If you are already a Christian but think you've finally done it, committed something so bad or gone over your 'sin limit' that you can't return to God one more time -- you're wrong.  God's grace is unlimited.  God's love for you is unconditional.  We will always be sinners needing God's forgiveness and to be clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

 Still a sinner?  Always -- just come as you are.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. So many people do not understand what grace is and how they get grace. Grace is not eared;it is a gift of God freely given to His children.

    God bless...
