
"Newness From The Lord"...Wednesday

We serve a Living God that is always revealing fresh and new things to His people as we seek His face. He is not a "business as usual" God, in which I am thankful. His mercies and His ways are new and crisp every morning! Living for the Lord is exciting and adventurous in so many ways. As we spend time with God He will show us His marvelous ways that we never knew before.
His Word tells us in Isaiah 43:19 
"Behold I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

The Lord is wanting to bring newness in our life. Where our life in the past has been turbulent and rocky and oppressive, He will make our paths smooth and pour His rivers of living water over us. The old is behind us and newness is springing forth as we walk closely with Him.

What great joy to experience "newness" from our Creator each in every day as we lay our lives before Him!! 

In The "Newness" of Christ, 
Sandy Billingham


1 comment:

  1. Open yourself up to God's gifts and newness. His blessings are new every morning. You can count on it.

    God bless...
