
Who Am I?...Tuesday


Last weekend our Women's Focus Fifth Annual Retreat happened up in Twain Harte, CA. The focus or the retreat was being "CHANGED." One of the presenters talked about looking at ourselves truthfully and seeing ourselves as God sees us. We should only look to Him to see who we are are and not to judge ourselves by comparisons with others or by what they show they think of us. It reminded me of a poem that I wrote more than ten years ago. I am pasting it below.

Am I who you think I am
Peeking at me through those rose colored glasses
Believing I can do no wrong
Dancing down the roads of my time
To achieve a perfect life?


Am I who I think you think I am

Watching me fall over and over
Judging that I will never succeed
Hobbling down the unpaved roads
To disembark in failure?


Am I who I think I am 

Looking at my underbelly
Knowing all the bad choices
Racing down roads traveled in error
To places I should not go?


Am I who I think I am 

Considering some of my better actions
Aware of what good I have done
Traveling down the higher road sometimes
To where His warmth is felt?

Where is the real me in all of that?

I am all that and more...

I am who my Creator thinks I am

Glancing down from the height of heaven
All knowing of who I try to be
Leading me beside waters still or churning
Toward the safe haven He has offered me.

(c)Corinne H. Mustafa

Always look to God to find out who you are and then keep being it.. He smiles approval on you when you see yourself as He sees you.

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. this question reminds me of the a speech by Nelson Mandela. He says who are you not to be the things that you are that God has created you to be. We are created by God for great things and we should embrace them instead of putting ourselves down and letting our self image be one that reflects our destination in life.

    God bless...
