
The Things We Don't See....Monday

The small hand shovel scrapes across the pebbles and dirt as I remove each wild mushroom. For a minute I think of the children's author, Beatrix Potter (of Peter Rabbit fame). She wouldn't rip these miniature beauties of nature into shreds. Instead, she would sketch them, and tell a story about some nice little mice who live under my shed and use this nook of nature as their playground each morning.

Image result for mouse under a mushroomAs I daydream a story of mice troubles in my suburban back yard I continue my clean up. I have a curious dog and it is in her best interest that I remove anything that might tempt her and make her sick. The mice may argue, and the dog agree, that I should leave well enough alone because they all know what they are doing. But I know better, and so I remove the soft white bits.

Image result for path through life imageCarrying each shovel full of dirt and mushrooms to the green waste bin to be recycled I wonder if this isn't similar to what God does when He prepares the way for us. There are so many obstacles, challenges, twists, and turns in our lives, that we could be tempted to say He doesn't actually clear the path or make anything easier or safe for us. But there is scripture and testimony to assure us that God does watch out for us.

A person plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9 ISV

'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 
'plans for your welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.'
Jeremiah 29:11 NASB

We all know someone who tells about going a different way home one day and missing being a part of a terrible accident. That is not coincidence. That is God. Just a few weeks ago my mother turned her car left instead of right to go to the grocery store. One block from her house was a man fallen on the sidewalk. He was dazed, cut and bleeding. She stopped and helped and a neighbor eventually joined her. She had a plan to go to the grocery store, but God directed her steps.

Dear Lord, please help us to remember to pay attention and be alert as we go through our day. For You are watching over us, and directing our steps for Your good purpose. Please give us eyes to see and hearts to recognize Your plan along the way. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Open The Eyes of My Heart performed by Michael W. Smith

1 comment:

  1. We need to remember that in order to be on the right track that God directs our path. We have free will so we can choose not to follow His guidance. However, how cool is it that the Creator of the universe is always there to guide our steps and keep us on the road He has chosen for us.

    God bless...
