
JUSTICE... Sunday

Devotional for 4/19/15

What is justice?  And no, I am not talking about the store that sells 'tween girls clothing!  I am speaking of what is right and fair, ethically and legally.  We dispute who rightly should receive certain things, whether they have "earned" it or are just expecting a "handout," etc.  We argue about the guilt or innocence of people in trials popularized by the press and what they deserve, even when we don't have all the facts or the inside information that the jury gets to hear.  We each have our own definition of justice at times. 

We all want to see that justice is served, but we don't always agree on what that looks like, especially if we happen to be the ones whose actions are under scrutiny!  But if we are the people "wronged," then we demand justice as we think it should be dealt out. So who decides what is correct?  The only one who can be absolutely just is God.  He knows what is in the hearts and minds of every person, and what is truly right and just.  He ensures that the ones who deserve it do receive it, whether that be reward or punishment, and when.

Job 34:12 (NIV)  It is unthinkable that God would do wrong, that the Almighty would pervert justice.
Proverbs 21:15 (NIV)  When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.

What are we to do then, when we see or experience an injustice?  First, we ought to clean up our own side of the street.  We should make sure that we are doing what is right, ourselves. Of course, it is impossible for us to be totally perfect, and for that we approach God with repentance and ask for forgiveness.  God, in his love and mercy, will forgive the sins of those who are faithful and believe in Jesus Christ.  Second, if we are able to be God's tool to bring forth justice by being an honest witness or humble helper, then we should do so selflessly, not for our own gain.  And finally, we need to be ready to forgive if a person who wronged us is repentant, sincerely sorry and willing change their ways and make amends. For all of these things we rely on God to give us the ability to follow through, and ask him for his merciful forgiveness when we fail.  Thankfully, our Lord is endlessly loving and forgiving, even when we justly deserve punishment, because of his Son's sacrifice on the cross!

Psalm 36:5-6a (NIV)  Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.  Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep.
Psalm 36:5-6 (37 kb)
Thank you, Dear Lord, for being a loving and forgiving God.  Help me to be your  faithful helper here on earth, witnessing to your righteousness and justice.  Keep me close to you and forgive me where I have done wrong.  Help me to turn around when I stray and guide me back to your righteous path.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Written by Jan Andersen

Song: "Your Love, Oh Lord"  by Third Day

1 comment:

  1. To err is human to forgive is divine. When we hold a grudge and are filled with unforgiveness it is ourselves that we hurt. Work on being willing to forgive someone who has wounded us but has apologized and asked for forgiveness. I had such an opportunity just this past week.

    God bless...
