
THE WORD...Saturday


"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."
 Psalm 119:105

     How are you shaped?  I'm not talking about your physical shape.  I know I don't look anything like I did when I was 25 years old!  I also know I won't look like that again no matter how hard I work.  Time takes its toll on the body.

     What I'm referring to is: "How do you think?"  "What makes you tick?"  "What excites you and makes you want to get out to do something?"

     For Christians, the answer to all of these questions should be the Word of God.  God's Word creates who we are.  His gospel message, by the power of the Holy Spirit, has brought us to faith in Jesus.  The Word of God's grace in Jesus Christ gives us new life.  Reading the Word daily helps make us new and improved.  We learn about what God thinks and how He wants us to live.  His Word becomes a guide for our lives.  The Word of God shapes our lives into who God wants us to be.  Making us holy through the blood of Christ, he begins to make us holy in the way we live.  He draws us ever closer to Himself.  He gives us gifts we can use to share with others.  He transforms our lives.

     However, like anything else, if something sits on a shelf and forget it is there or don't use it --there is no benefit from it and eventually the item may not even function anymore.  So it is with the Christian who neglects God's Word.  The person may have saving faith in Jesus and go to heaven some day, but a full life will be missed without the "Bread of Life." 

     The next time you're walking on the treadmill or sit down to a great meal don't forget about the really necessary and important bread -- remember to feed on God's Word and transform your mind and your life!

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. The word of God surrounds us and wraps us in the beauty of His love, intentions, and promises of our Father.

    God bless...
