


To shew forth thy loving kindness
 in the morning,
and thy faithfulness 
every night,
 Psalm 92:2 

We should acknowledge and thank God for His loving kindness and faithfulness toward us. In His love and faithfulness, He had endowed us with so much. We should constantly think about the following blessings and thank God for them, and be careful not to take them for granted:

» His truth, which He continues to reveal to us.
» His gifts, spiritual and physical, 
that He continually pours out to us.
» His church and our part in it.
» His ministry and their unstinting service to us
» Our brethren and the opportunities for fellowship
with and service to them.
» Our families and their health and prosperity.
» Our nations and all the blessings t
hat accrue from our citizenship.
» And myriads of other gifts and good things
He bestows so freely.

submitted by
Annie Allen

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