
"We So Need Each Other"...Wednesd

This past Saturday a precious family in our church lost their young son. This was extremely difficult for all of them as well as our Church Body. The beauty of it all, was to watch how the Church Body rallied around them so quickly to love on them, comfort them and pray for them. This family desperately needed the Body of Christ to be there for them and the Body of Christ came through strong!
In the Book of Romans 12:5 it says...
"So we, being many, 
are one body in Christ, 
and individually members 
of one another." 

We are one in Christ Jesus, although individual members, we are of many. We all belong and are connected to one another. We are all one "mega" family!
This family continues to be surrounded, encouraged and uplifted by the Body of Christ and are in a "good place" right now, for the Lord is sustaining them greatly. This is such a beautiful, prime example, how vitally important the Body of Christ is. We so need each other and I am profoundly thankful for the Body of Christ!
In His Great Provision of the Body of Christ, 
Sandy Billingham


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