


"Hear my prayer, O Lord,
listen to my cry for help;
be not deaf to my weeping."
 Psalm 30:12a


David was a man who sought the Lord in all his ways.  Although he was the King of Israel, he never forgot his roots as a shepherd boy.  He recognized that all he had was from the hand of God.

     He also quickly recognized, in every situation, that it is only God who can give comfort, help and strength.  The Psalms are full of verses where David sought the Lord and cried out to Him for help.

     As people of God, we long for all that we can be and know we ought to be.  We certainly can't obtain this by our own powers, or intellects.  We are gifted by God and are works of His creation. All of our prayers should be a cry to God to mold and make us into His workmanship.

    As we encounter the trials and temptations of our daily lives, our cries should be to God's love and sustaining arms of grace and mercy.

  Need anything?  
Open the Psalms, 
Open your heart to God 
 Cry out to Him.  
He is never deaf to our cries.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. Open the Psalms,
    Open your heart to God
    Cry out to Him.
    He is never deaf to our cries.
    This is a good formula to bring us to where we need to be.

    God bless....
