

Devotional for Mother's Day 5/10/15

You may be surprised by the answer to that question...

Today is Mother's Day, a day on which many choose to celebrate their own mothers, or themselves as mothers, or those displaying the qualities of motherhood in general toward others.  Other people choose not to celebrate this day at all, perhaps due to difficult or abusive family relationships, loss of their own mother, or even loss of their own child.  Mother's Day can bring up so many differing emotions, as each of us has our own life story and what the word "mother" conjures up in our minds. 

But there is something every Christian woman can celebrate on this day, no matter what their "mother" experiences are, because of something Jesus said:

Luke 8:19-21 (NIV)  Now Jesus' mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd.  Someone told him, "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you."  He replied, "My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice."

So, did you know that you are the mother or brother of Jesus if you read and hear God's word in the Bible and do it?  Some may feel inadequate at carrying out this activity of living God's Word.  Remember that no one can perfectly do this amazing work, and God still forgives us for it!  Knowing that we cannot ever be perfect and make it to heaven, Jesus makes us a part of his family by his sacrifice on the cross to save us.  By the power of the Spirit we are able to believe and remain faithful family members of Christ.

Dear Jesus, thank you for making us your mothers and brothers through your death and resurrection and for creating faith in our hearts by the power of your Holy Spirit.  Guide and direct us as we read and hear the Word and put it into practice in our lives.  Help us to make you proud to call us your family, and where we falter please forgive us and help us up again.  Help us to remain faithful until the end of this life here on earth so that we may join the family reunion with you in heaven. In your name we pray, Amen!

written by Jan Andersen

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