
East to West...Friday

May 15, 2015

I haven’t been feeling very motivated or encouraged lately, which in turn has caused me to find it hard to be inspired by anything to write about in a devotional.  So, as I am thinking about it during the week, all kinds of thoughts go through my little head to come up with an idea.  This week I just didn’t even feel that I wanted to write at all, giving myself the excuse that it is just not working for me, so how could I ever be helpful to another.  Well, during my hoe hum daily drive to work…one of my very favorite songs came on the radio, and I knew right at that moment that this will be my topic.  I told myself that even if I don’t have much to add to it, just the song and scriptures will be enough to prove the hope and love of our savior, Jesus Christ!!  And amen to that!!

 As far as the east is from the west,
So far hath he removed
our transgressions from us.

Psalm 103:12

American Standard Version (ASV)

It is so incredible to me that I have heard this song at exactly the right moment once again.  As well as being the perfect reminder to me that He has removed all my sins!  He is not keeping score of my failures or misdoings, the way that I have always done.   I continually look back with regret on the things I think that I should not have done, or the decisions that I have made.  I beat myself up with over thinking everything that I should have been better at.  Hearing the beautiful words of this song again made me realize that I need to stop this mental behavior.  I need to remember on a moment to moment basis that God has forgiven me and I need to do the same.   

As far as the east is from the west, my sins have been taken away and forgotten.  God doesn’t want me to be beating up myself over how I have lived my life.  It is time for me to carry on and fully live my life in the current moment.  If I don’t do that I will miss out on quite a few miracles that will be coming my way.

I am sharing The Message’s version of the above scripture; quite a few more words, but so worth the read.  I love it!!  This one is being kept with me daily until my thought process becomes more automatic to be more Godlike! 

6-18 God makes everything come out right;
    he puts victims back on their feet.
He showed Moses how he went about his work,
    opened up his plans to all Israel.
God is sheer mercy and grace;
    not easily angered, he’s rich in love.
He doesn’t endlessly nag and scold,
    nor hold grudges forever.
He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve,
    nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.
As high as heaven is over the earth,
    so strong is his love to those who fear him.
And as far as sunrise is from sunset,
    he has separated us from our sins.
As parents feel for their children,
    God feels for those who fear him.
He knows us inside and out,
    keeps in mind that we’re made of mud.
Men and women don’t live very long;
    like wildflowers they spring up and blossom,
But a storm snuffs them out just as quickly,
    leaving nothing to show they were here.
God’s love, though, is ever and always,
    eternally present to all who fear him,
Making everything right for them and their children
    as they follow his Covenant ways
    and remember to do whatever he said.

Psalm 103:12
The Message (MSG)


Written by 

Kelly Dobyns 



  1. This truth so important to remember all the days of our lives especially in the days when we fail . We would get up faster , shake it off quicker and start all over again . Thanks for your devotional this am .

    1. Thank you so much, Karen!! Thank you also, for your comment and thoughts!! XOXO

  2. Well East and West can never meet! Isn't it a blessing beyond imagination that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus has done that for us so that we might be worthy through Him to be able to be in heaven throughout eternity. Thank you, Lord.

    God bless

  3. Wonderful message - good, good food for the soul!

    1. Thank you, Lynda!! So happy it touched you!
