



"You shall have no other gods before me." 
 Exodus 20:3

     This is the first commandment which was given to Moses and the people of Israel after their delivery from the hand of pharaoh in Egypt.  This is what God rightly expects from all of us.

  Is Christ first in your life?  Take a minute to look at how you spend your time, how you use your talents, what you spend your money on.  Then you will know if you put Christ first in your life.

     Are you a one or two hour a week Christian or do you give the Lord devotional time every day?  Do you help promote the programs at your church, tell others about your faith in Jesus, volunteer in your community?  Do you generously support your church with your tithes and offerings or give your leftovers -- if you have any?
God expects all of His followers to live different lives from the rest of the world.  He put us first by giving His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins.  He has prepared a place in His heavenly mansions for all who believe in Jesus.  He blesses us daily with all we need to sustain our lives and loves us unconditionally.

     In return, we need to recognize Him as God and place Him in Hi rightful place in our hearts, first, above all else.

Written by 
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. God is our first love, and we are His loves. We need to put him first even when we are busy we can also be with Him in our hearts and mind. Really let Him be our first love'

    God bless,,,
