


Today I drove out to a town in the San Joaquin  Valley about an hour away. It is not the most picturesque location I have been to. Travelling along a busy highway through a string small cities is not a trip through a national park. Still as I was riding home I was thinking about what to write for tomorrow's devotional. The poem below came to mind.  The name of it is "God's Diamonds." I told myself that I could use this poem as a devotional for Tuesday. 

When I was driving home the sun was low in the sky and the light shone in the golden way that it does before sunset. As I turned toward home I went up a hilly area called the Altamont. The afore mentioned golden light shone and made an area of dried grass and wind mills look incredible. The fact is that God shines His light on things that are less than beautiful they become beautiful.They become God's Diamonds, and there is a lot to learn about them and God's work. That works in nature and people (even people from those unremarkable cities ) as well.  Everything takes on an amazing beauty when God shines his light on it.   

Here is the poem... "God's Diamonds"...                                

Looking at the leaves
Roses not blooming just yet
Colored rust and green.

Early morning sun
Shining down on the garden
Mottled shade and sun.

Suddenly I see
Diamonds shining everywhere.
Where do they come from.

They’re a gift of God
Delightful and beautiful
Dew drops on each leaf.

And then I notice
The leaves are rimmed with small spikes
Edges scalloped points.

It comes to my mind
That life gives challenge too
Spikes to climb over.

But it’s when we climb
If we will learn His lessons
God’s diamonds are won.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa   

1 comment:

  1. God provides diamonds throughout His world for us to look at, learn from and be blessed by. Try to see them and get the lessons He is given.

    God bless
