
"He Is Our Sure Foundation"...Wednesday

Recently some good friends of ours had some extensive tornado damage in their town and to their home. Two  people were killed and many literally lost their entire homes. The people that lived across the street from them, in the midst of the storm their home was totally twisted and lifted off its foundation, and  six people came out untouched. 
Our friends had windows blown out and a door that flew off its hinges through the house. They came from it without a scratch as well. Our friend  shared that the structural  engineer and insurance adjuster have  said how well their house was built when they inspected the attic. Their house stood firm and solid in the midst of the tornado.
In Isaiah  28:16 the Lord tells us...

"Therefore thus saith the Lord God, 
Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, 
a  precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; 
he that believeth shall not make haste."
The Lord God Almighty is our sure foundation, our rock in which we stand steadfast! When we believeth in Him and trust completely in Christ, the storms may come but we shall not be shaken or moved but remain strong on our sure foundation Jesus Christ!
I will forever praise the Lord knowing that my foundation in Him will not crumble or be uprooted but will remain intact and untouched forever more!!
In His Sure Foundation, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Sandy, Thankyou for using your friend's story to add depth to your writing today. It is wonderful to know that even when all of the "stuff" of this life blows away, God will keep us secure with Him in eternity!
