
When Love Sees You...Thursday


I recently heard about a CD set called "The Story." It has one cd that has songs about people of the Old Testament, and the other is about stories from the New Testament. In every song there are little gems that really touch one's heart. The song I have posted below is entirely heart touching. It is sung by Jesus who tells of events in His life that He sees through the eyes of love.

Music is a very touching way to relate to many topics. The poetry found in songs plus the beauty of melodies can open your mind's eye to a beautiful side of a story that has not been noticed before. To hear Mac Powell sing the song in the words of Jesus filled with so much love...even for Judas. "Blessed are  you with your silver and lies kidding the One who is saving your life." Imagine that. 

I have found that I needed to listen to the songs on these Cd's several times to get all the gems that are found in them. Listen to this song, and I think you will be moved at the "words of Jesus."

We know the stories, but this music brings the story to a new, soft and beautiful side.

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa


  1. Good music often gives us a new outlook on a story that we have known all along.

    God bless...

  2. Beautiful song. Music has a way of ministering to me as well. Thank you for sharing.
