
Rebuild with Jesus...Friday

May 29, 2015 

This morning on my drive to work, I see in one lane a demolition truck and in the other lane a construction truck.  It stuck me at that moment that we as humans are continually doing the same thing….causing destruction and then rebuilding.  Myself, I cause the most destruction to myself with my negative thoughts and self talk.  I am much better than I used to be about it. However, I believe that it is always a very good thing to keep working on and pressing forward to improve by consciously talking to God about it and in the process getting closer to Jesus.  My intention is to not be living in destruction, but, to be living a life of peace and love.  I don’t want to be wallowing in negativity.  Just as the word says….

 “Arise and go,
For this is no place of rest
Because of the uncleanness that brings on destruction,
A painful destruction.Micah 2:10 

 And so I shall….move away from the destruction and rebuild!! Amen, what a gracious God we have that shows us the glory of renewal.  He sent His only son to save each and every one of us from destruction.  We are never perfect, but He is, and He created us to be constructive in good works, to walk hand in hand with Jesus.

  For we are His workmanship, 
created in Christ Jesus for good works, 
which God prepared beforehand
so that we would walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10       

Along with building myself up by stopping the negative talk, I will be able to share and show the love of Jesus to others.  By keeping my heart filled with the spirit of love, it is going to show on my face and with my actions.  The peaceful construction will then fall into places all over the world.  Some that may have never been able to grow previously due to never knowing the power Jesus has to build.  After all, He was a carpenter!!

Written by 
Kelly Dobyns

1 comment:

  1. This world often suffers from the demolition work that people do by their actions and treatment of each other. We can do good rebuilding by the kind words we say and the loving things we do through our good works.

    God bless...
