


"Make every effort to enter 
through the narrow door, 
because many, I tell you, will try 
to enter and will not be able to." 
Luke 13:24

     The Jewish religious establishment had a system of 613 laws which people were to follow.  Talk about a headache. How would a person remember them all let alone keep them?

     Many people today can't even recite the Ten Commandments, yet most of these people would tell you they are good people; in comparison to other people they are a "cut above" most.

     Jesus tells His disciples that there is a narrow door to pleasing God and entrance into it isn't by keeping these laws to the letter.  Unfortunately, "good enough' in comparison with others isn't the answer for a God who is holy and demands absolute perfection.

     So, how do we avoid the hassle of trying to fulfill the laws' demands and be able to enter the kingdom of heaven?

     Jesus is that narrow door.  He fulfilled the law perfectly for all of us sinners.  Then he died on the cross to pay the penalty for all of our sins.  After His resurrection He ascended to the right hand of God the Father where He intercedes for us.  By the power of the Holy Spirit all we need have is faith in Him.

     We can ascend to Mt. Zion, to the throne of the living God as everything has been accomplished for us.  It is a free gift without any personal headaches or hassles.

Written by 
Carol Steficek


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