
Gray is the New Blonde...Tuesday


The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,    
they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
planted in the house of the Lord,
    they will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still bear fruit in old age,
    they will stay fresh and green,
proclaiming, “The Lord is upright;
    he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.
Psalm 92: 10-15

In a time when we bend over backwards to hang onto beauty at all costs, I find it interesting to think about this search to turn back time and remain "forever young." It does not help when we see the 40 or 50 something celebrities looking like 30 year olds. So is this what we 60+ year olds have to worry about.

I heard on one of the news program that women are going for the look of gray hair. I started thinking about this and decided that this is a good thing.  We are part of the aging generation. We are the ones who have some wisdom that comes with aging and learning more about life. We are becoming the elders of our society, and it is not unacceptable to show where we are on the age continuum. Many of us are middle age, and that is not a bad thing to be. We need to embrace who we are and where we stand on the ladder of age. In this era of "youth is superior," we need to remember that with aging comes maturity and wisdom. 

Perhaps it is not a sorry thing to decide to be who we are and to give up the attempts to hide our age and proclaim it as a badge of respect. So I give you the adage that "Grey is the new blonde." Get over it and step into your power on the stepladder of "age brings wisdom." The most important thing is to embrace who we are and where we are in God's timing. As we get older there is still nothing denied to us to serve in God's kingdom on earth.

Lord, help me to accept where I am in my life and be ready to do the things You give me to do to in Your world. If is my desire to do the work for You as I live my life in accordance to Your plan for me with understanding of who I am and what I need to do to serve You best while I follow you. 


Written by 
Corinne Mustafa    



  1. No matter your age or interests God always has a plan for ways to use you for His plans for His kingdom.

  2. I love this post! I learned a lot from women who are older than me. They have so much wisdom and strength in them.

  3. I am so pleased that you wrote a celebration of US! God has blessed you with the gifts of words and drawing people together. Thank you for this timely piece!

  4. This post is awesome! We can certainly learn from other cultures to appreciate and respect the wisdom and grace which comes with age. "Gray is the new blonde." I love it!
