
"He Shall Establish You"...Wednesday


The word establish has been swirling a lot in my mind lately this last week or so. I sense the Lord is desiring to establish my roots deeper and deeper in Him each passing day. He wants to uproot things in my life that are not of Him and exchange with a greater establishment of all that He is.
His Word says...

 "But the Lord is faithful, 
who shall establish you, 
 and keep you from evil."  
2 Thessalonians 3:3

That  verse is short but extremely  power-packed! Our Lord is always faithful and promises that He shall establish us and keep us from the evil one.
He wants to set up a permanent, firm and strong basis of more of him in my life. He wants to settle His life in every fiber of my being that I would be totally consumed in Him! In other words; a full-blown establishment of His spirit and presence in all that He is in the midst of me!
As we allow the Lord to establish Himself in us in deeper ways, that is when His fullness and greatness and goodness bubbles up within us!
Bask in all that He has for you today as you allow the Lord to establish Himself in you in profound ways!!
Established in Him, 
Sandy Billingham

Old Irish Hymn
Be Thou My Vision

1 comment:

  1. It is time for all of us to encourage and give freedom to God to establish Himself in us. There are untold wonders and blessings ready for those who welcome Him in.
