
Happy Inspired Reading! ...Thursday


I used to hear people saying that they found this or that gem when they were reading their Bible. They would say that God led them to find this or that verse that was totally speaking to them and made their day.

I would listen and then think, "Why hasn't that happened to me. I need help to get to just the right book and scripture. So I did not read the Bible in that way. I would read a book or the required reading for whatever Bible study I happened to be taken. I would listen to and read what Priscilla Sherir had to say. She would bring out the verses and ring them dry with her insights. Beth Moore is another leader that had that same talent. I did not, and that made me sad. I used to wonder if something was lacking in me to lead to me coming up very dry a lot of the time. I wondered if I was ever going to hear God the way I hoped. After all, I told myself, we all are unique...born with talents unique to us and different from others. It is silly to play the comparison game. Personal lecture over. 

A couple of weeks ago I had a bright idea...and I will allow the possibility that God was actually speaking to me. My idea was to open my Bible to the page that lists all the books of the Bible, to close my eyes and point. So I decided to give it a try. My only hope was that I would be spared Numbers that I had already pre-decided would be pretty boring. When I opened my eyes my finger was on the book of Ephesians. I was excited and set to work on Chapter 1. I immediately found a verse in that chapter that caught my eye. 

It was Ephesians 1:4.
 Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us
to be His very own through what Christ would do for us;
He decided then to make us holy in His eyes, without a single fault
we who stand before Him covered with His love. 

I wrote about this verse a couple of weeks ago and shared what I got from it. I have talked to others who agreed with me that this passage means that God chose to overlook our thoughts because of the salvation Jesus provided for us. You need to think about it and  see if you agree that is the meaning. 

My whole point in writing this is to show you a new way to find where to read in your Bible. It is not hi tech and you could say that you will not be hearing God with this method. However, that is not true because God is taking your finger and putting it on the Book that He would like you to read. 

Happy inspired reading! 

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

This musical choice is different than the kind I usually pick. It is a walk through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation showing the scriptures that tell who Jesus is. It is not about the entire Bible, but I found the list of Scriptures to be invaluable and gives a new pursuit to future Bible reading.

1 comment:

  1. The music on this devotional gives references to all the scriptures in the Bible that tell about Jesus. It could be a very helpful list to keep for reference.

    God bless
