
"His Word Like A Fire"...Wednesday

"Is not my Word like a fire, declares the Lord, 
and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces." 
Jeremiah 23:29

Every time I read this particular scripture, it reminds me of the vast power of our Lord, Jesus Christ! His Word is alive and well! As we read His Word and speak and declare His Word, it penetrates and pierces our hearts deeply. It breathes life to us, even in the most darkest places. His Word is life and light and healing to our souls.

I am so thankful for the fire that goes forth in God's Word and how it is like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces in correlation breaking down the lies of the evil one. As that transpires, His truth is revealed. His truth rises up in our hearts and Victory comes forth!

I rejoice each day for the Love Letter of His Word He has given us, that brings Amazing Revelation shining bright in our hearts!

In His Fiery Word and Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. You are praising the best book ever written. It is filled with the love of God for his people. If you have not read the Bible recently it might be a good time to start.

    God bless...
