
The Cashier....Monday


As I sit here to write I am looking for something in my day that was encouraging. Then I remember the cashier. Because I didn't plan dinner far in enough in advance (which means, I didn't plan it at all) the meat is still in the freezer. I head to the grocery store.

Image result for make a difference quotes
After picking out a few items I go to check out. In line I read magazine covers as I wait, when another cashier pops his head around the corner and cheerfully announces "I'm open." That kind of news makes most of us smile, and I happily change lanes. Then the cashier surprises me by asking, "Your name is Mary, isn't it?" I concede that it is and thank him for remembering. 

Image result for make a difference quotesBut the real surprise is how pleasant it made me feel. This was a new cashier, not one of the regulars who I've been saying hello to for 15 years. The positive feeling stayed with me as I drove home and reminded me of the affect it has on others when we remember their name. 

Here is a 20-something year old young man, being a light at the local grocery store. He is using the platform God has given him - the 2 square feet of space at the register - to make a difference in people's day. He's not just doing his job- not one of the regulars has ever called me by name. Oh, they are friendly, and I do like them, but this young man is doing something different. 

This young man has inspired me. As I go through my week I will be looking for opportunities to do something different.  

 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people,
especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Galatians 6:10 NIV

Dear Lord, thank You for reminding me that 'doing good' can be as small as a smile or calling someone by name. Pleas give me eyes to see and a heart to recognize opportunities this week to make a difference in somebody else's day. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


  1. We may think that we are just doing what we do, but to someone else we are showing a kindness that they did not expect or even know was something they could receive. Have you ever had someone tell you that she remembers this or that which you have said to her. You may not even remember it but to her it meant the world. Reach out with kindness.

    God bless...

  2. It is so amazing how a simple act of acknowledgement can make someone’s day. I am finding how many truly attractive, pleasant people are hiding behind walls of isolation on BART. The transformations that I find just by saying,” Good Moring” to a stranger, give me such joy – I know it is the Holy Spirit alive and well on the train!
