
The Presence of God...Tuesday


His presence within us is God’s guarantee that
He really will give us all that He promised;
and the Spirit’s seal upon us means that God
has already purchased us and that He guarantees
to bring us to Himself. This is just one more reason
for us to praise our glorious God.
Ephesians 1:14

Sunday our pastor's message was about the presence of God. As a child I had learned that God is everywhere. I believed it as I do now, but I was not quite aware of what it meant. I thought that He was somehow floating out in the universe keeping an eye on His creation. I knew that He would hear me if I prayed or talked to Him.  I did not think that He could or would talk to me. I believed that He would answer prayers that were prayed if they were His will. I also knew that our bodies are the Temples of the Holy Spirit. Still I did not process it to the obvious conclusion that this meant that He was as close to me as my heart. His presence is up close and personal.

One night, a short time after I had accepted Jesus formally as my Lord and Savior, I was talking on the phone with a friend. I began to feel different...as if I was in a different kind of air both inside and out. My friend on the phone knew it as well. She said, "Corinne, I need to hang up. God is with you." I told her that I could feel Him, too. We hung up, and I was in His presence for more than a half hour. It was so beautiful. I really began to understand how close His presence is.

Am I the only one who is awed by these facts? The God of the universe and Creator of all that there is stays this close to us. We do not see Him as Adam and Eve when they took sunset walks with Him in the garden. He wanted fellowship then with people then, and He wants fellowship with us now. Keep reminding yourself of His presence and it will become a habit to always be aware of it.

Written by 

Corinne Mustafa

The word topography that I have posted below
gives a great explanation of how close He is.
It is called "He is Here"
It is performed by Amena Brown


  1. God is as close to us as the air we breathe. He is right beside us everywhere we go and in everything we do. It will be a good thing to always include Him wherever we go.

    God bless...

  2. You are able to verbalize so beautifully. Corinne the message from Sunday and your own life experiences of his presence . The attachment today is most powerful also. Thank you for the devotionals . I don't respond often but am touched often and your devotion to doing this everyday with all the other writers blesses me everyday .
