
"Authority In Jesus"...Wednesday

Over brunch one morning my friend shared a bone chilling story about one of her dogs. Recently her husband came out to the backyard only to find their dog chomping on a baby bunny with a bloody bite on his forehead. He quickly realized there was a rattlesnake nearby livid, and not about to share lunch with anyone.  With no time to lose, her husband grabbed something from the house and approached the rattlesnake cutting off his head. They rushed their beloved dog to the vet and had him treated. He is alive and well much to my friend's relief.
That story reminded me of the authority Jesus has given us as His children over the plans of the enemy for us. He tells us in Luke 10:19
"Behold, "I give you the authority to trample on serpents 
and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, 
and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
As children of God, we have authority over the evil one, for the Lord God Almighty lives within us and He tells us that we have authority. It is only because of Him and His power that we can trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy!!  And for an added bonus He tells us also that nothing shall by any means harm us.
When the enemy knocks, we do not have to be cowardice and hide underneath our bed trembling with fear. We can proclaim what God's Word says boldly and not back down, believing by faith God will do exactly what His Word says He will do.

As you are reminded of your Authority in Christ, you can live a life of Great Victory, not defeat, each day of your life here on earth!
In Christ's Authority,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. God shares His authority with us so that we can overcome the things and happenings that hurt us or steal our joy. He promised it. The Bible says so. Such authority is one of the amazing gifts of God.
