
"Power Outages"...Thursday

A month or so ago our electric company had a planned outage. They had been sending notices for about three weeks. Several times we got postcards about outages that never actually happened. Every few days we would get yet another outage notice. So, when the lights did not go out on time we laughed and made some remarks about all the postage was being wasted. All of a sudden one day…click…the lights were dimmed. It was a cloudy day, so the rooms were barely lit. I still had not taken a shower, so I prepared to take one in dusky bathroom. It was a bit of a challenge. We are spoiled by the convenience we enjoy of lighted rooms.

I was standing in the shower with the warm…thank God about that…water raining down on me. I started to think what would happen if God had planned power outages. In that time we would be in the dark away from the spiritual perks that He provides to light up our days and give us words that speak to us in wondrous spiritual ways. For the time of His planned outage, we would have no path to follow or inspiration of what we need to do.

When I got out of the shower, I noticed that the mirror was totally fogged. The fan could not be operated to keep the obscuring condensation at bay. Another impediment to having a clear vision of what you would need to do.  I was operating in nearly as blind in the smoggy and misty grayness.

I can see that power is very important on a natural level in an age where such conveniences are taken for granted. However, the natural level is only a small part of it. Power and light are also important on a spiritual plain as well. In fact, on the otherworldly level it is considerably more important than in our earthly realm. In our material dominion power and light are a convenience that, when missing, is a bit troublesome. However, life can go on and adjustments can be made. Without light and power in our nonphysical sphere, we are unable to keep on track, to continue our life plan, or to relate to God at all. We are like a clipper ship trying to cross the ocean without a compass.

It is our blessing that God will never leave us rudderless, floundering on the waves and swells of life. His light shines out to those who love Him and serve Him. This light shows His people the path they should go, and lets them know Him for all the wonder of who He is and how He loves us. His light also enables us to become a His light to others.

For God, who said, 
"Light shall shine out of darkness,"
 is the One who has shone in our hearts to give
the Light of the knowledge of the glory

of God in the face of Christ.
2Corinthians 4:6

"Be strong and courageous, for you shall go with this people
into the land which the LORD has sworn to their fathers to give them,
and you shall give it to them as an inheritance. 

"The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you;
 He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.
Do not fear or be dismayed."
Deuteronomy 31:7b-8

Written by
Corinne Mustafa


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