
Be Born in Me...Thursday


There is a CD set in an album called THE STORY. Disc One has eleven songs about various stories in the Old Testament, Disc Two  has seven songs about the New Testament. This devotional is named from the  title of the song that Mary sings as she processes what the angel has told her...that she is to be the mother of the promised Messiah. Here are a few lines of the song.

"Be born in me / Be born in me
Trembling heart / somehow I believe / that you chose me
I will hold you in the beginning
You will hold me in the end
Every moment in the middle, make my heart your Bethlehem
Be born in me."

These poetic words, so sweet, touch me...especially
                            Every moment in the middle, make my heart your Bethlehem
This is so lovely and touching, because He came in Bethlehem, and Mary is asking Him to make allow her heart to be as the place where He came during His life on earth.

I started to think a lot about these words and the song as a whole. I arrived at some interesting comparisons that are found in our lives as we live under His invitation to us.

Be born in me...
When God showed us how to be born again it was through Jesus' saving life that was an invitation to be born in Him. Also, though not an exactly literal comparison, we could think that our choosing Him as our Lord and Savior is asking Him to be "born" in us...not to be a child but to be resident in us.

Trembling heart / somehow I believe / that you chose me...
Of course He did. He invites people all the time to come to him.
                                                         In Ephesians 1:4 it says...
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world
                                          to be holy and blameless
 in his sight. 
This smacks of predestination and I do not feel qualified to discuss that at the moment, but it also tells me that He planned our lives and knew what choices we would make from before Creation.

Skipping down to this line...
Every moment in the middle, make my heart your Bethlehem...
This follows two lines that how Jesus and his mother will hold and care for each other. Jesus was born in Bethlehem and Mary is saying let me be the place of your first home no matter where you roam. When we choose to accept the invitation that God has given we are now temples of the Holy Spirit and this could be compared to offering our hearts as a Bethlehem of first welcome to a place that can be God's Home.

Be born in me...
When we are born again it is in Him, but in a manner of speaking we could think of this new relationship as providing a new place for Him to call His. He is not born in us, but His closeness to His new Born Again Believer is as new and birthed in this believer

Written by
Corinne Mustafa


1 comment:

  1. The song goes on to say, "I am just a girl, nothing more, but I am willing I am yours." To be willing to do what God is asking is what is necessary. Are we willing to do what God is asking. I pray that we are.

    God bless....
