
"He Directs and Delights In Me"...Wednesday


I am ever so thankful for a God that so intensely cares about the direction of my life and every detail of my life. 

I discovered in Psalm 37:23
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly, 
He delights in every detail of their lives."
It brings me great comfort and peace to know as I follow closely with the Lord that He will see to it that my steps are properly guided by His hand. Not only that, but He is deeply concerned about every single detail of my life. He is concerned and He delights in my details!
If He delights in the details of my life, I have even more reason to not be anxious of the end result. As I fully trust in Him, He will most definitely see to it that those details are worked out according to His plans for me.
What a package deal that the Lord has given to us as His dearly beloved children. He delights in taking care of us and wants His best for each of us. Rest assured each day that the Lord is ready to fulfill His Word!

In The Lord's Hands, 
Sandy Billingham

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