
Add Paitience to Your Faith...Tuesday


Jesus turned and saw her. 
Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.”
And the woman was healed at that moment.
Matthew 9:22

In this verse of scripture Jesus was speaking to the woman who had been suffering from constant bleeding for 12 years. Bu this point she must have become very despondent and discouraged. In addition the ravages of the illness by now must have depleted her strength completely. Still when she heard that Jesus was in the area she took hope. She did not want to bother Jesus. She did not feel the need to explain her needs and problems. We all knew what she did. On her hands and knees she crept
up behind Jesus thinking that all she had to do was touch His hem and He would heal her. Her despondency turned to hope and faith that her long torment would be over. The above scripture tells what Jesus said and did.

The patience comes in when you think about the long wait she had to undergo to regain her health. In the end it was her faith and patience that saved her.

Sometimes when we have a need or issue we go to God with a "Honey Do" list for which we expect rapid answer and changes. After all we have asked Him in prayer, and there are promises in the Bible that we take as meaning that God will hop to it since we did ask Him.

That is not how it works. We are reminded in Isaiah 55:8...

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
Elsewhere we are reminded in 2 Peter 3:8...

                         But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved,
                            that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years,
                                       and a thousand years like one day.
Next time you are praying to the Lord for something you have faith he will deliver to you if you ask, be sure to remember that Gods ways and thoughts are not ours and His counting of time is out of sync with our counting of time. We must remember to add patience to our faith; for in the end, in His way and His timing the Lord will provide.
Written by
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. We all have faith that God is for us and will answer our prayers to Him. However, sometimes we expect it in to be in our paradigm, We forget that He has His own thinking and ways. In his infinite wisdom and timing He answers our prayers...OR he (again in His infinite wisdom) knows what is the thing that we need that will benefit us the most...

    God bless...
