
Refreshing the Saints...Wednesday


Everyone of us from time to time need our hearts to be refreshed. We tend to sometimes overdo our work load and just  need a brother or sister in the Lord to come along and pray for us to be refreshed.
That is exactly what Philemon did for the Saints. He saw their needs and reached out and ministered to them with a tender and caring heart onto the Saints.
 It says in Philemon 1:7 ...
"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement,
because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts
of the Lord's people."
All that God has placed within him, he willingly poured out onto them God's love, joy, encouragement  and refreshing waters.
Philemon's heart was huge for God's people because he had a solid relationship with the Lord. He was willing to go beyond and above to be that  vessel of the Lord to deeply touch the hearts of his brothers and sisters.
Philemon spurs me on to be ready in season and out of season to be fully surrendered to God and filled up with Him, so that I may refresh the hearts of the brothers and sisters in the Lord that are in need of a fresh touch from Jesus. For it is Jesus through us that will overflow us with His joy, love, encouragement and refreshing waters!
Refreshed in Jesus, 
Sandy Billingham


1 comment:

  1. God gives us the job of coming along side each other to lift each other up and act in friendship towards the "saints" that we know. We should always be prepared to fulfill this role and God would have us do.

    God bless...
