
God Will Give Us a Full Life...Thursday

We all know that the thief ...the destroyer...the devil and his minions want nothing more than to steal us away from our relationship with God. I used to wonder why people who were strong in their beliefs and their commitment to serve in God's world sometimes were drawn away. I realized that the answer to this question is the fact that satan does not have to go after the ones he already has in his clutches. He goes after those who are not part of his evil groups. The other thing that happens a lot is that a person serves God and all is well. Then all of a sudden, things start to go wrong. Some people still carry on and continue to serve God in spite of the challenges they keep facing. Job was an example of this. When challenges come others become disheartened and fall away in despair. In this case, the devil seems to have won...at least in the moment. The person can turn it around and come back, or just wallow in his misery, give up, and walk away.
I have examples of both kinds of cases. I know a person who recovered from a life that that was being lived outside of boundaries of normal behavior. For almost a decade that person served the Lord and in the process helped many others in need of guidance. Then it seemed as if the person just wandered off course again, and fell down further than life had ever been before life had changed. That person has not yet made it back to the new life that was lived for ten years. This has been going on now for more than eight years.
Anther person I know has had many close family members to adversaries because of lies that have been told. Life as this person and spouse as knew it has changed. The hardly get to see their closest and dearest relatives with whom celebrations were shared. This is heartbreaking for them. The enforced barriers seem to leave no hope of a solution at this time. This couple are still serving God and do not let their pain drag them away from Godl
The good news is that we have our Father in our corner. Even in the low moments in the deep valley there is hope because God knows what we are going through. If we hang on to faith and take whatever the lessons there for us to learn, we will be much wiser when God helps to be able to rise our of the dark valley.
Dear Lord,
You are Jehovah Jireh, the Lord provides. Please help us to remember why you have come and to call on you when adversity strikes. Help us to be aware that we are not alone, and that even when satan rallies all the powers of hell against us, that we are not alone. We must  to call on You even when we do not immediately see a resulting change. You are God and we are in Your holy hands.  Amen
Written by
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. All we have to do is have faith in the provision of God who came to give us life to the fullest. He is the direct opposite of the enemy who only seeks to destroy us.

    God bless
