
Forever Anthem...Tuesday


And my God will meet all your needs 
according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

As human beings we have so many things that we love and hold close to. Perhaps it is a husband who represents the ultimate love that any woman can hope for. Or maybe it is the little persons who are the result of that afore mentioned love.Other things come into what ends up being a list of what we hold dear and are thankful f0r...friends...parents...mentors... the list goes on and on. These are the blessings we have because Our God surrounds us and gives us most of what we need. Have I forgotten anything? Possibly I have, because we come from different paradigms. What I feel I need may be different from what you feel you need. God will provide.

However, what we all need is a Savior who will be with us through thick and thin. We all have this if we reach out to Him and welcome Him in. He is the King of our hearts and souls and we should always see ourselves living for Him and in Him. Approach His throne and everything will be yours. He will give it to you in this world and the next.

Heavenly Lord, King of my heart sitting on your throne, I come to you and surrender myself into your hands to lead me and guide me now and forever more. This is my anthem of dedication to you and submission to your guidence. Amen. 

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. God is our King and our Savior...the King of our lives who sits on His throne loving us and speaking into our lives and guiding us on our road getting closer and closer to Him.

    God bless...
